
The State of The Republic: How the misadventures of U.S. policy since WWII have led to the quagmire of today’s economic, social and political disappointments.


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The State of the Republic is an overview of significant political, social, and economic events since the end of WWI, along with a look at the criminal justice system, that has led up to the quagmire of disorder witnessed daily among our political leaders in Washington.

The American people are fraught with frustration and mistrust of our governmental leadership and children are growing up unsure of just what the nation’s values are or what this country stands for the conclusions are: American leadership in the world has digressed in moral/ethical stature and responsibilities; the federal government, itself, has become so politically incestuous that the people have lost control; crime, violence, and disorder have become rampant and a housecleaning in Washington is long overdue.

The author’s experience as a juvenile probation officer and later as a school psychologist at the secondary level has given him a unique perspective, over the years, as a credible observer of the political leadership in our country and how it has influenced the morale and self-esteem of our people and, particularly, the youth of America. His baccalaureate degree in political science and history and his graduate degree in student personnel services contributes to his understanding of the implications of political leadership on the State of the Republic.


eBook, Hardback, Paperback


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