A Testimonial of KJ Schmutz’s Publishing Journey with 20/20 Literary Group

At 20/20 Literary Group, our ultimate mission is to empower authors to bring their literary dreams to life. We take immense pride in supporting talented writers throughout their publishing journey, and KJ Schmutz’s experience with us is a testament to our commitment. In this testimonial, we are thrilled to share KJ’s thoughts on the exceptional service and promotion they received during the publication of their book, Justin’s Quest Earth Holiday. Read on to discover why KJ Schmutz trusts 20/20 Literary Group wholeheartedly, and why you can too.


KJ Schmutz’s Testimonial


Hi, my name is KJ Schmutz. I am the author of Justin’s Quest Earth Holiday and I want to take this time to promote. 2020 publishing. They have been standing by me through the entire experience of getting my book published and getting it out there. And I just want to say thank you to them. And I want you to know that if you do decide to publish with them that you will not be disappointed, that they will promote your book through all different types of conventions. They are going to talk to different foundations and different. Advertisement groupsAnd I want you to know that, yeah, I Have my complete trust in 2020 and they’re doing an awesome job for me and I’m sure that they’ll do an awesome job for you. Well,thank you. And remember Justin’sQuest Earth Holiday, available now, AndBarnes and Nobles. Amazon and there are other fine retail establishments where you can find my book. Thank you and have a great day.


From the moment KJ Schmutz embarked on their publishing journey, 20/20 Literary Group has been a steadfast companion. Our team understands the passion and dedication that authors pour into their work, and we are committed to providing unwavering support throughout the entire process. KJ Schmutz’s testimonial speaks volumes about the reliability and trustworthiness that define 20/20 Literary Group.


One of the primary concerns for any author is ensuring their book reaches a wider audience. KJ Schmutz praises 20/20 Literary Group for their exemplary promotion efforts. Through a range of marketing strategies, including conventions, foundation partnerships, and targeted advertisements, 20/20 Literary Group goes above and beyond to showcase authors’ works. KJ’s experience highlights how our team leverages various platforms to ensure their book, Justin’s Quest Earth Holiday, reaches eager readers around the world.


KJ Schmutz’s unwavering trust in 20/20 Literary Group speaks volumes about our commitment to delivering exceptional results. By fostering a collaborative relationship with authors, we build a foundation of trust that enables us to work hand in hand towards shared success. KJ’s testimonial exemplifies the confidence and satisfaction authors can experience when choosing to publish with 20/20 Literary Group.


At20/20 Literary Group, we understand the importance of making books readily available to readers. KJ Schmutz’s book, Justin’s Quest Earth Holiday, is a prime example of how we ensure widespread distribution. By partnering with renowned retailers like Barnes & Noble and Amazon, along with numerous other esteemed establishments, we amplify an author’s reach, making their work accessible to a global audience. KJ’s book can now be found in various retail locations, thanks to 20/20 Literary Group’s distribution network.


KJ Schmutz’s testimonial serves as a heartfelt endorsement of 20/20 Literary Group’s dedication to authors and their literary dreams. Our commitment to providing comprehensive support, effective promotion, and wide distribution channels has enabled KJ’s book, Justin’s Quest Earth Holiday, to flourish. If you’re seeking a publishing partner you can trust, look no further than 20/20 Literary Group. Join us on this incredible journey, and together, we will bring your story to the world. Get in touch with 20/20 Literary Group today and experience the outstanding services that KJ Schmutz and countless other authors have come to rely on.


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