A Journey to Publishing Success with 20/20 Literary Group

Are you an aspiring author dreaming of seeing your book in print? Do you ever find yourself wondering if it’s possible to overcome the hurdles of the publishing world and make your literary dreams come true? Well, these three authors are here to tell you that it is indeed possible, thanks to the incredible support and expertise of 20/20 Literary Group.


Johnny Metheny: “Behind the Bar”


Johnny Metheny, the author of “Behind the Bar,” couldn’t be more thrilled with his experience at 20/20 Literary Group. He shares, 

“Working with Nicole at Twenty20 has been a wonderful experience, and they truly helped me get my book published!”

It’s not just about getting published; it’s about finding the right partner to guide you through the intricate process of publishing. Johnny Metheny found that partner in 20/20 Literary Group.


Marcia Doris & Kim Dishroon: “From Ordinary to Extraordinary”


The journey to becoming a published author is often filled with unexpected challenges. Marcia Doris and Kim Dishroon, co-authors of “From Ordinary to Extraordinary,” understand this all too well. They faced personal situations that made them miss deadlines, but they found unwavering support at 20/20 Literary Group. Marcia and Kim express their gratitude, saying, 

“So thankful for their patience.” 

It’s not just about the destination; it’s about the people who support you on the way.


Marshanne Mishoe: “The Mind of a Child”

Sometimes, books need a second chance, a fresh start. Marshanne Mishoe thought her book was destined for the recycling bin until she discovered 20/20 Literary Group. She shares her remarkable journey, saying, 

“They revamped the cover, breathed new life into the page print, and re-released my book.”

20/20 Literary Group played a vital role in this transformation. Marshanne highlights their support, stating, 

“They held my hand throughout the republishing process, always meeting deadlines for things like the final galley.” 

It’s not just about the book; it’s about the collaboration that brings it back to life.

In each of these stories, there’s a common thread of partnership, support, and expertise that runs through the experiences of these authors with 20/20 Literary Group. It’s not just about publishing; it’s about a journey—a journey that takes your manuscript and turns it into a book that you can hold in your hands and share with the world.

If you’re an author with a dream, don’t let the challenges of publishing hold you back. As these authors have shown us, with the right team by your side, your literary dreams can become a reality. So, take that manuscript out of the drawer, dust it off, and let 20/20 Literary Group guide you on your path to publishing success. Your story could be the next one to inspire others on their journey to becoming published authors.

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