What to Ask Before Hiring a Book Editor

Are you seeking a competent book editor but need help knowing where to begin? This article answers all of the essential questions you should consider before deciding.



Hiring a competent book editor can make your work sparkle, whether a novel, a memoir or an academic piece. This guide will give you all the information you need before choosing a book editor, including questions to ask potential editors and an overview of their services.




While interviewing potential book editors, it’s critical to inquire about their experience in the field. Inquire how long they have been editing books and what types of publications they have previously edited. You should also request work samples or recommendations from previous clients to understand their work style and quality.




Inquire about the types of books your potential book editor specializes in. Identifying someone who is educated about the genre or themes you intend to write is critical. Examine references, reviews, and samples thoroughly to ensure you can trust this individual. You should also look at their pricing to check if they are reasonably priced for their degree of experience.




Understanding what services your book editor provides and whether they do more than just editing is critical. Inquire if they provide book consulting services like structure, story arcs, and character development. Or do they provide additional services such as proofreading, beta readers, copy editing, and so on? Understanding what kind of other aid your editor offers might help you make a more educated decision.




It is critical to understand the pricing of each service and the editing level. In general, editors offer various options ranging from comprehensive developmental edits to line edits and, sometimes, proofreading. To make an informed decision about which option best meets your needs, request a complete breakdown of the pricing for each service and an explanation of what it comprises.




When investigating book editors, it is critical to understand their skill level and the kind of books they typically work with. An experienced book editor should be able to provide examples or references from previous work to help you decide whether they are a good fit for your project. Examine the editing style approach for consistency and notice how precise and accurate the editing is.


Important questions to consider before hiring a book editor:


  • What experience and qualifications does the editor have?
  • What is the editor’s editing style and approach?
  • How much does the editor charge and what is included in their services?
  • Can the editor provide references or samples of their previous work?
  • What is the editor’s timeline for completing the editing process?
  • What communication channels will the editor use to keep in touch during the editing process?
  • Does the editor specialize in the same genre or type of book that you are writing?
  • What is the editor’s policy on revisions and feedback?
  • What is the editor’s confidentiality policy?
  • Is there a contract or agreement that outlines the terms of the editing services?


A book editor is a professional who works with authors to improve the quality, structure, and content of their book manuscripts. They provide feedback and suggestions to help authors refine their writing and may also help with tasks such as proofreading and formatting. Ultimately, their goal is to help authors create a book that is engaging, polished, and ready for publication.


These questions are important to set a clear goal and agreement with the editor that you are looking for. These will help you find the best editor fit for you and your book. 

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